Automated UT Corrosion Mapping

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  9. Automated UT Corrosion Mapping

Automated ultrasonic testing covers a range of ultrasonic inspection techniques using powered, mechanical scanners to locate inherent defects within a given material. AUT is the term used to describe corrosion mapping inspections, pulse-echo weld inspection, Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT), and Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD).  AUT can be used to obtain repeatable corrosion maps.


  • Measuring flaws in the base material, showing position, extent, and depth
  • Detecting pitting, general corrosion, and laminar defects, including inclusions, plate laminations, and hydrogen blistering
  • Obtaining routine and repeatable corrosion maps in temperatures from -30 ⁰C (-22 ⁰F) to in excess of 350 ⁰C (662 ⁰F)
  • Assessing pressure vessels and piping for corrosion, erosion, hydrogen blistering, Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC also referred to as stepwise cracking), and Stress Oriented Hydrogen Induced Cracking (SOHIC) damage


  • High degree of repeatability
  • Position and size data for every flaw can be compared for repeat scans of the same area to track flaw growth or corrosion rates both generally and for individual pits
  • Data is well suited for fitness for service assessments


  • In-service inspections, especially high temperature examinations, require extensive preparation and cooperation between pressure containing operating personnel and AUT personnel
  • Thin materials are difficult to inspect with AUT

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Learn more about how IRISNDT applies Automated UT