Asset Integrity Engineering Services

AIE Services

Other Services

1. Pressure System Inspections

In service inspections.
Planning and execution of inspections, repairs and modifications of minor, major and intermediate pressure systems, and storage vessels. Application and implementation of current statutory and regulatory directives, codes of practices, recognised national and international codes and standards.

PSSR 2000, API 510, API 570, API RP 571, API RP 572, API RP 573, API RP 574, API RP 576, API RP 577, API RP 579-1, API RP 580, L122, L111, SAFed PSG 1, SAFed PSG 5, SAFed PSG 6, PED

PSSR 2000 compliance
The Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 (PSSR) cover the safe design and use of pressurised systems to prevent resinous injury from the hazard of stored energy (pressure) due to the failure of a pressure system or one of its component parts. Therefore they must be inspected thoroughly by a ‘Competent Person’ to ensure that they can operate within the safe operating limits until the next inspection is due. The system must not be operated beyond the next inspection due date unless a postponement is made in accordance with PSSR regulation 9

IRISNDT is a Type A UKAS accredited company to ACT as a competent person to provide inspections, write and authorise WSE’s for Major, Intermediate and minor pressure systems.

2. Storage Tank Inspections

Out of Service and In-service inspection following the guidelines in EEMUA 159 and API 653. When a tanks geometry or locations falls outside these guidelines IRISNDT’s competent persons can generate tank specific WSE’s to comply.
Visual Assessments, NDT surveys, Settlement Assessments, Laser surveys, Bund surveys, repair recommendations including CAD drawings
API RP 575, API 577, API 580, API 650, API 653, EEMUA 159

3. Pipeline inspections

IRISNDT have plant inspectors and inspection engineers qualified to API 570. We can carry out in-service and out-of-service inspections following API guidelines, client inspection plans or WSE’s
IRISNDT have specialist equipment that can be used to detect corrosion under insulation CUI, Corrosion under fireproofing (CUF) and corrosion under pipe supports (CUPS)
API 570

4. RBI – Risk Based Inspection

RBI (Risk Based Inspection) typically requires significant upfront investment by the owner/user. However, with the use of IRISNDT software management (Maxi-Track), skills & experience an RBI approach to plant inspection can be adopted & managed by IRISNDT. Benefits of RBI from more traditional time based inspections can lead to reduced downtime as well as improved safety standards which result in genuine cost savings. The following API documents cover RBI & it’s advantages in more detail API 580, API 581.

5. Pressure vessel inspections

IRISNDT have plant inspectors and inspection engineers qualified to API 510. We can carry out in-service and out-of-service inspections following API guidelines, client inspection plans or WSE’s
IRISNDT can provide Specialist NDT inspection plans that can be utilised on-stream to substitute for an internal inspection to meet the specifications of API 510 section this can significantly reduce vessel downtime and internal cleaning costs.

6. Category 1,2 & 3 inspectors

At IRISNDT we have inspection engineers and plant inspectors in line with UKAS RG2 who have decades of experience in Engineering inspection and engineering calculations for storage tanks, pressure vessels and pipelines.
Our inspection engineers can complete Risk Based Inspections (RBI) & Fitness for Service (FFS) assessments
UKAS RG0 3rd Edition, UKAS RG2 5th Edition

7. WSE’s – Written Schemes of Examination

Since the introduction of the PSSR regs in 2000, it has been a legal requirement for owner/users to have a WSE in place for all relevant fluids & systems, examples of these are.

  • Steam at any pressure
  • Any fluid or mixture of fluids which is at a pressure above 0.5bar above atmospheric
  • A gas dissolved under pressure in a solvent (acetylene)

Once a WSE has been determined, it shall then be adhered to and carried out by a competent person, these duties include.

  • review WSE and confirm it is suitable
  • produce a written report for each examination
  • notify user/owner of repairs required
  • identify action in case of imminent danger
  • agree postponements of examination, where appropriate
  • draw up or certify written schemes of examination

IRISNDT have the knowledge and expertise to cover both new and existing WSE requirements, keeping documentation and plant integrity in line with the most recent laws & guidelines.

8. FFS – Fitness for Service Assessments

A fitness for service assessment is often carried out after multiple in-line inspections (ILI) which IRISNDT are suitably set up for with the knowledge, expertise & technology to carry out these inspections in-house, negating the need for any further third party inspection companies. Once these are carried out, we can offer a FFS assessment to all aspects of plant, we’re able to do this by monitoring existing data and corrosion rates which allow us to set out a clear inspection & repair plan for the assets life, ensuring both safety and reliability are paramount.

9. Engineering Calculations

Tilt, out of round, liquid load, vapour pressure, wind and vacuum loads, roof loads, stability

10. Data Management – Maxi Track

IRISNDT can track & manage all clients data with the use of Maxi-Track, a data management software which enables users to keep accurate records of,

  • Equipment inventory
  • Attached documents
  • Equipment components
  • Inspection records
  • Action items
  • Corrosion monitoring
  • Future inspection plans
  • Initial risk ranking, and
  • PSV service history

The software has multiple layers, one of which means the client can access their own un-editable version via the ‘client portal’ with no limit on number of client accounts. Making viewing and managing tasks such as, action items, inspection plans, due/overdue inspections a seamless job for the whole team.

11. Support Services

IRISNDT has full back up services to support Asset Integrity projects all from our own in-house resources including.

  1. Radiography including Gamma (Ir-192 and Se-75) and X-ray
  2. Digital Radiography CR and DDA systems
  3. Conventional NDT UT/MT/PT
  4. Advanced NDT – Phased Array UT, TOFD, Corrosion Mapping, Guided Wave – Long Range UT, Laser Scanning
  5. Materials Laboratory, Mechanical Testing and Replication
  6. Drone Inspections
  7. Remote Access Robotic Systems
  8. Weld Inspection, Welder Training and Certification
  9. Heat Treatment
  10. Hydrostatic Pressure Testing