Pipeline Integrity Services

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IRISNDT develops pipeline and downhole integrity management systems to meet your business needs for a reliable pipeline infrastructure, and to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. In partnership with our clients, we develop a systematic approach to pipeline integrity management and risk assessments: our objective is to ensure the integrity of pipelines and downhole equipment throughout their life cycle.

IRISNDT Pipeline Integrity Services Include 

  • Assisting in the development, implementation and maintenance of pipeline integrity management systems
  • Performing customized qualitative and semi-quantitative pipeline risk assessments
  • Providing technical support for pipeline mitigation, monitoring, and in-line inspection programs
  • Management of pipeline in-line inspection programs
  • Performing engineering assessments for sweet service to sour service conversions
  • Asset integrity services: fitness for service, failure analysis, materials selection, and welding engineering

IRISNDT develops customized, fit for purpose Pipeline Integrity Management Systems (PIMS) and Pipeline Operations and Maintenance Manuals (POMM).

We provide training and implement systems for pipeline integrity to be an integral part of the company operations.

IRISNDT works closely with regulators and clients to achieve regulatory compliance.

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