In-Service Damage Mechanisms and NDT

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Ana Benz will present ” In-Service Damage Mechanisms and the Non-destructive Examinations that Aid in their Identification” during the 2024 IPEIA Conference on Tuesday, February 27, from 1:00 until 1:45 PM in Ballroom B.

If you’re at the event and can participate in the presentation, Ana would be happy to discuss the topic further. Also, visit Booth #53 from February 27 through February 29.

The image shows on the left the material loss measured with MLE radiography and on the right the material loss based on laser scans. The attack is due to Naphthenic Acid Corrosion (NAC).

For more information, see Technical Program – IPEIA
and 3D Laser Scanning | IRISNDT
#nac #ndt #inspection #IPEIA #IPEIA2024