Corrosion Surveys of NPS 6 and Smaller Lines with High Production Digital Radiography

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  5. Corrosion Surveys of NPS 6 and Smaller Lines with High Production Digital Radiography

If you oversee piping systems, and are interested in keeping your piping systems reliable, read Chris Bishop’s and Ana Benz’s article on corrosion surveys in the July/August issue of Inspectioneering. Inspectioneering has generously allowed us to make the article available for free – just click here.

The article highlights the value of today’s digital radiography in keeping piping systems functional. It shows radiographs of wet and damaged insulation, product buildup, uniform vs. localized corrosion, and many other important facts learnt with corrosion surveys. All while reminding you about the importance of using radiography in conjunction with ultrasonic thickness testing. Don’t miss out.