Storage Tank Inspections

Out of Service and In service inspection following the guidelines in EEMUA 159 and API 653. When a tanks geometry or locations falls outside these guidelines IRISNDT’s competent persons can generate tank specific WSE’s to comply.

Visual Assessments, NDT surveys, Settlement Assessments, Laser surveys, Bund surveys, repair recommendations including CAD drawings
IRISNDT can utilise all technologies to insure the most effective and detailed test results with advanced NDT and conventional NDT, inspection technologies such as but not limited to are MFL, SLOFEC, PEC, ACFM, Eddy Current Array and PAUT Corrosion Mapping.

IRISNDT have several different methods available for remote access and inspecting through insulation to help savings on scaffold access and insulation removal and reinstation.

API RP 575, API 577, API 580, API 650, API 653, EEMUA 159